Sodelovali smo na sejmih

Also in 2021, we participated in the international craft fair in Celje. MOS is the largest business fair event in Slovenia. This year's fair was already the fifty-third (53) and, as in all its half-a-century tradition, it presented a lot of new and interesting things, many innovations were presented, new deals were concluded. In just the last decade, MOS welcomed more than 1.5 million visitors and hosted more than 15,000 exhibitors from 40 countries. And we have been part of this story for 17 years.

Obisk mladih v podjetju Vigal

The Ajdovščina Regional Chamber of Crafts and Entrepreneurship and the ROD Development Agency have organized the promotion of technical professions for 7 consecutive years. Eight-grade students from the Danilo Lokar elementary school in Ajdovščina also joined the initiative. The purpose of promoting technical professions is to bring them closer to students who are deciding their future path. Choosing a specialization at the end of primary school is not easy. The vast majority of students choose high school and other social science programs. On the labor market, this is reflected in the lack of technical staff and the surplus of staff with a background in social sciences.

Intervju z direktorjem v Obrtnik podjetnik januar 2018

... "Ervin Stopar, manager of the company Vzmeti Vigal d.o.o., explained that his father started working in metalworking forty years ago:" He passed on all his knowledge to me, he taught me the trade and at the same time it allowed me to acquired a very important experience. Forty years in the sector are not few and during this whole period of activity I can say that the interest in the metalworking sector among young people has decreased.

O prvih 25 letih podjetja Vigal v Obrtniku

Metalworking is one of the most important activities in the Ajdova Regional Chamber of Crafts. Among the most successful are the artisans Jožef Stopar and his son Ervin, or their company Zmeti Vigal. In 2003 they moved to a new production hall and in 2005 they obtained ISO 9001: 2000 certification, these days they are preparing to sell their products to the automotive industry.